If formwork is off the program of work for the day, then
you may have to cut blocks into three-quarter or half-size with a trowel to fit
into walls or cut concrete with a diamond cutter to create some allowances.

Other times, you may have to cut a covering or finishing material and so on. In
fact the cutting action is so relevant that if it is not properly done, it can
cause poor condition of work leading to avoidable delay, wastage and rework.
But there are other forms of cutting that may
not involve the use of typical construction tools; these are the acts of
cutting corners and cutting costs. It is important to stress here that either
of the two or a combination of both in a very ill-manner has been largely
established as part of the factors responsible for the prevalent rate of
building collapse across the country and elsewhere.
Cutting Cost: Care must be taken in reducing estimated cost of construction |
You don’t expect a good work when a
contract is underpriced. I haven’t seen a ‘not-for-profit’ building contractor
in a long while or perhaps, never at anytime. I think it is safe to say nearly
all contractors are in the construction business to make profit.
If this is
true, there is therefore a high tendency that handling a project without
getting the desired or appropriate profit scale may promote temptation for
project handlers to cut corners. In-house research has shown clearly that the
act of cutting cost has a bearing on the tendency to cut corner and vice versa.
But there are some contractors that cut corners even when the project is
grossly over-priced and this is rather unfortunate. Here is something you can
easily relate with; as the project owner tries to cut cost of construction so
do the contractor also try to cut cost of implementation and when two greedy cutters
meet, something gets badly cut. That 'thing' is often the physical project.
For instance, as it is today, it is impracticable to expect a decent 4-bedroom bungalow (all room en-suite) to be completed with 2 Million Naira using Sandcrete blocks as the parent wall material. But if an open bid is done right away for the said project type with such an amount as the contract sum, some con-artists parading themselves as contractors would jump at it –promising sky and skylines. But mind you two weeks into the project, the successful bidder is likely to top your ‘list of wanted persons’; absconding with project funds and sometimes construction materials as has been established in known cases and reports.
Cutting corners during construction is not only
professional wrong; it is also a criminal offence punishable by law in several
climes. Any contractor or professional or project owner caught doing such
should be reported to the appropriate authorities for sanctioning.
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