Recently, beyond requesting for advance
bank guarantees or insurance bonds which ensure security of project funds and
reduces the tendencies for diversion of same, there is been an increasing
consciousness from project owners to request a form of performance bond or
guarantee from their contractors as the idea of banking only on the successes
of previous projects executed is fast becoming unreliable.

This is obviously the right way to go as court cases bordering on building collapse have been observed to put the burden of such ugly incidences on both the owner and the contractor. But with a warranty from your contractor issued at the start of a project, such burden of defense is largely transferred to the contractor especially if the incidence occurs within the warranty period.

This is obviously the right way to go as court cases bordering on building collapse have been observed to put the burden of such ugly incidences on both the owner and the contractor. But with a warranty from your contractor issued at the start of a project, such burden of defense is largely transferred to the contractor especially if the incidence occurs within the warranty period.
Unlike the warranties issued on electronic products or similar household items which are often one-off i.e. covering only the aspect of durability say for one year, two years etc; warranties on buildings cover a range of areas, especially structural stability, efficiency of services (i.e. electrical/Mechanical installations) as well as durability of finishes. A typical schedule of warranty for a building may stipulate a defect liability of 40 - 50 years for structural stability, 7 - 10 years for premium finishes, 2 - 5 years for regular finishes, 10 - 15 years for premium fittings and fixtures, 5 – 7 years for regular fittings and fixtures, 15 – 25 years for resistance to ground water ingress and so on. Every warranty comes with certain terms and conditions which includes that the contractor would not be responsible for damages caused by force majeur or occasioned by mis-use on the part of occupants of the building or users of the facility as well as for any work not under their direct supervision.
huge project funds are committed into a building development or the development
of an infrastructure but a problem as little as persistent ground water seepage
which should have been taken care of at the sub-structure work stage could make
a mess of the entire structure and investment; so does the use of sub-standard
materials in the quest to accumulate selfish gains. However with a warranty
arrangement in place, a contractor is obliged to make substantial refunds to
the project owner in such cases, which could bring a huge form of relief to the
owner at that material time. The use of warrantees is fast eroding the
application of the requisite 6-10% retention money for a defect liability
period of 6 months which is the common practice because it has been widely
observed that building defects may not become evident until well above a year from
practical completion and when they begin to manifest it, only the owner is left
to bear the burden.
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